
As simple as possible, as complex as necessary

Lucee 5: simpler queryparam syntax for SQL IN conditions

13 July 2018

Here's a hidden gem you may have missed in Lucee 5 (v5.2.4+).

Consider this basic query for a single record with a given ID.

userID = 1;
sql = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE ID = :ID";
params = { ID: { value: userID, sqltype: "integer" } };
result = queryExecute( sql, params );

If you wanted the emails from more then one user you would use an IN condition with a list of the IDs you want:

userIDs = "1,3";
sql = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE ID IN ( :ID )";
params = { ID: { value: userIDs, list: true, sqltype: "integer" } };
result = queryExecute( sql, params );

This works just fine, but the syntax can now be simplified a little:

userIDs = [ 1, 3 ]; //an ARRAY not a list
sql = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE ID IN ( :ID )";
params = { ID: { value: userIDs, sqltype: "integer" } };
result = queryExecute( sql, params );

A couple of benefits here:

  1. No need to specify list: true in the parameter definition: Lucee knows you're passing multiple values.
  2. If your values were defined as an array to begin with, there's no need to convert them to a list.

Tags too

This will work with the <cfqueryparam> tag as well.

<cfset userIDs = [ 1, 3 ]>
<cfquery name="result">
 SELECT email FROM users WHERE ID IN ( <cfqueryparam value="#userIDs#" sqltype="integer"> )

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