Writing CSV with CFML 28 Nov 2023 The Spreadsheet CFML library now has improved support for creating CSV from your data
Reading large CSV files with CFML 20 Nov 2023 The Spreadsheet CFML library now supports fast, memory efficient CSV file processing
Reading large spreadsheets with Lucee 17 Aug 2022 The Spreadsheet CFML library now supports reading large spreadsheets via streaming.
The simplicity of chaining calls in Spreadsheet CFML 9 Nov 2021 The latest version of Spreadsheet CFML allows you to chain method calls for simpler, more expressive code.
Lucee Spreadsheet is now Spreadsheet CFML 2 Nov 2021 The library has long supported Adobe ColdFusion but the new renamed version makes clear it supports ACF as well as Lucee.
Defining Application mappings using relative paths in Lucee 3 Sep 2021 Lucee allows you to simplifiy mapping definitions in Application.cfc by using relative paths. But sticking to absolute paths may be more reliable.
Copying Windows file permissions in Lucee 30 Jun 2021 Lucee currently has no built-in methods for setting file permissions on Windows, but it can be done by making a few java calls.
Renaming CFML query columns 25 Feb 2021 Column names in CFML query objects can pose problems in certain cases, especially with Adobe ColdFusion. Here's a UDF allowing them to be safely renamed.
Forcing Lucee to re-check the physical paths of application defined mappings without a restart 15 Oct 2020 If the physical path of a mapping is missing when an application starts, an incorrect value will be cached for the life of the server. Here's how to force Lucee to re-evaluate mapping paths without a restart.
Loading java libraries dynamically in Lucee (without JavaLoader) 26 Jun 2020 JavaLoader is no longer the only way to load third-party java libraries in Lucee dynamically and without fear of class clashes.
Generating large spreadsheets more efficiently using SXSSF 25 Nov 2019 Creating large spreadsheets can be resource intensive and lead to timeouts or out-of-memory errors. POI's "streaming XML" (SXSSF) format can address this problem.
Using Lucee's simple parallel processing appropriately 25 Jul 2019 Lucee 5 makes it really easy to execute loop iterations in parallel. But not all loop operations will benefit, and the approach needs to be applied with care.
Getting started with Elasticsearch using Lucee Part 2 27 Sep 2018 A basic introduction to querying an Elasticsearch index using Lucee CFML.
Getting started with Elasticsearch using Lucee Part 1 27 Sep 2018 A basic introduction to setting up an Elasticsearch index using Lucee CFML.
Replacing Query-of-Query in Lucee with simpler, faster alternatives 4 Sep 2018 Query-of-Query seems useful because the SQL syntax is familiar. But it's known to be slow, and there are better alternatives.
CFML: Sorting an array of objects by a specific property 22 Aug 2018 How to take an array of CFML objects and sort it by a specific property of the object.
Lucee 5: simpler queryparam syntax for SQL IN conditions 13 Jul 2018 In Lucee 5 you can directly pass an array of values as a SQL query parameter.
Lucee 5: application defined mailservers 19 Oct 2017 Lucee now allows mailservers to be defined in Application.cfc.
Lucee 5: simpler access to environment variables 18 Oct 2017 Lucee now has a built-in way of accessing environment variables.
The simplicity of "upward" relative component paths in Lucee 24 May 2017 Lucee allows you to instantiate cfcs above the current location without a mapping.
Revised CFML client library for the GoCardless Direct Debit API 14 Dec 2016 Announcing a revised CFML client library for interacting with the GoCardless Pro Direct Debit API.
Preventing invalid cookie errors being logged when making Lucee http calls 1 Nov 2016 How to stop your Lucee/Tomcat logs filling up with "invalid cookie header" entries from http calls.
Empower your users with spreadsheets 23 Jun 2016 Database servers make excellent progammable data stores, but unless you're a programmer or DBA they can be disempowering.
Manually connecting Lucee to an IIS website 10 Mar 2016 If you only need Lucee to run some of your IIS websites, connecting them up manually one by one is a fairly straightforward option.
Simpler and (ever so) slightly faster looping in Lucee cfscript 18 Feb 2016 Moving to the simpler, more expressive loop script syntax in Lucee brings an unexpected, albeit tiny, performance gain.
Lucee Spreadsheet Library: How to populate multiple sheets from separate queries 11 Nov 2015 How to use the Lucee Spreadsheet library to create a spreadsheet containing multiple sheets each populated from a query.
String concatenation in Lucee 8 Sep 2015 Building strings in Lucee 4.5 using arrays seems to be slower than ColdFusion 9. Java may be best where performance matters.
Average Request Time: Lucee 4.5 vs ColdFusion 9 4 Aug 2015 Running on the same server, Lucee 4.5 appears to process requests around twice as fast as ColdFusion9 on average.
The simplicity of Lucee 16 Apr 2015 How Lucee is making my code simpler compared to ColdFusion 9.
An alternative way of working with spreadsheets in Lucee 11 Mar 2015 Implementing spreadsheet functionality in Lucee using the old Railo extension is more complex than I'd like, so I've re-written it as a standalone library.
Migrating from ColdFusion to Railo to Lucee 2 Mar 2015 Having recently moved to Railo from ColdFusion 9, switching to Lucee has proved mercifully straightforward, despite continuing issues with ORM.